ThrUMMS - The Three-mm Ultimate Mopra Milky Way Survey

ThrUMMS Data Release Bank

Below is a listing of the data files available for free public download. Typically, you'll want to right-click each link to "Save as..." the linked gzipped FITS files. We encourage colleagues to contact us for advice or projects related to these data or if any specific regridding of certain regions is desired.



While the data provided here are free to the public and professional astronomical community, we ask that any researcher(s) who use the ThrUMMS data in their work acknowledge our effort by citing the main ThrUMMS paper (Paper I, Barnes et al 2015 ApJ 812 6) and/or the Data Release 6 paper (Paper III, Barnes et al 2025 ApJS submitted, arXiv:2503.04887) in any publications.


Additionally, for significant research use of ThrUMMS data, such as comprising a major portion of a new study, ThrUMMS policy is that one of our team be included on the work as a collaborator or co-author. Please contact us as below.


Similarly, if researchers would like us to provide alternative or additional data products and/or analysis, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs on a collaborative basis. While our team is already pursuing a number of research topics, we nevertheless welcome suggestions for such collaborative research, or for researchers to nominate themselves for inclusion on any of our existing research teams.



2025 Mar 9 - DATA RELEASE 6 IS NOW BEING STAGED! (See below) Some of the links may be temporarily disabled as data files are rearranged. If something doesn't work, check back again in a few days.


ThrUMMS Data Release 6 (DR6) notes:

DR6 consists of the full sky coverage observed for the 3 iso-CO lines, ie 12CO, 13CO, and C18O. Since DR4, the usual data format is in the form of (l,b,V) data cubes, each covering a 6° longitude window (3x as wide as DR2) and 2° in latitude, plus a range in VLSR sufficient to cover all significant emission (typically from about -150 km/s to +50 km/s in the 4Q). Each file is in FITS format (gzipped for download) and labelled by the lower limit of its longitude range as before.


The CN data have not been processed systematically, since they require a separate analysis. However, patches of reduced data are available in a mix of DR1, 2, or 3 files. The DR3 cubes (still 6° wide in longitude) have a mix of 1°- and 2°-wide latitude coverages, as completed to 2013. The DR2 data cubes have dimensions in (l,b) of 2° x 1° in the state they were as of 2012. DR1 cubes (typically 0.5° square) are from 2011.


Data Quality: The DR6 and DR4 maps (which are equivalent in quality) have much higher quality than DR3, just as DR3 maps also have much higher quality than DR2. In particular, the single-pixel errors from the Livedata processing ("the pox") have been completely eliminated in DR3, and nearly all "weather stripes" have been eliminated in DR4/6.



12CO 13CO C18O
Integrated Intensity
(0th Vlsr-moment)
Intensity Uncertainty
Mean Velocity
(1st Vlsr-moment)
Velocity Dispersion
(2nd Vlsr-moment)
Intensity lV Diagram
(0th b-moment)
Per-channel rms in cube
(noise map)


WARNING - Nearly all of the data cubes are quite large (several hundred Mb each). Make sure you have a high-speed data link before attempting the download. Unstarred links are to DR1 or DR2 files; * = DR3; ** = DR4.



Sector (Region)
12CO 13CO C18O CN Velocity Range File Size (Mb)
s300 (302)
-65 to 65* (-120 to 100)
-120 to 100
-120 to 100
380* (430)
s306 (308)
-80 to 65* (-120 to 100)
-80 to 50
-80 to 50
440* (840)
s312 (312)
-80 to 65* (-80 to 50)
-80 to 50
450* (420)
s318 (318)
-100 to 40* (-110 to 40)
(-110 to 40)
410* (295)
-125 to 25,-125 to 33*
(-140 to 15)
s330 (332)
-150 to 50* (-160 to 50)
-175 to 50* (-160 to 50)
(-160 to 50)
470,590* (610)
690* (620)
-150 to 50*
-180 to 50*
-195 to 45*
(-200 to 50)
s348 (350)
-210 to 3* (-100 to 50)
(-100 to 50)
(-150 to 50)
620* (595)
s354 (354)
(-150 to 0)
650,810* (970)



2011 Jan 23 - First data (DR0) from November 2010 pilot run (about 10% of the planned area), with a 90" gridzilla kernel.

2011 Jun 7 - New DR1 data including April 2011 run replace existing DR0 data with reprocessed cubes (eg a 72" kernel), and cover a 0.5° strip in galactic latitude (ie, from -0.5° to 0.0°). The cubes are segmented by galactic longitude into 2° blocks (thus merging up to four half-degree OTF maps), labelled by the lower limit of each range.

2011 Jul 27 - Cubes with increased velocity ranges have been generated for 12CO and 13CO.

2011 Sep 2 - C18O and CN cubes have been updated with increased velocity ranges.

2011 Sep 2 - New data in all 4 tracers have been added for Regions 334, 352, 356.

2012 Oct 19 - DR2 cubes are available for all areas, including data from the October 2011 — October 2012 runs. All DR2 data now cover a 2° longitude window, labelled by the lower limit of that range, and cover a 1° strip in galactic latitude, from -0.5° to +0.5°, each conjoining 8 half-degree OTF maps.

(2013) - Observing underway for Phase II of ThrUMMS, to double the latitude coverage across the full 60° of the 4Q.

2014 May 14 - DR3 cubes are now available for all areas mapped in 2010-2013 for the 12CO and 13CO lines, as marked by *s. All DR3 data now cover a 6° longitude window, labelled by the lower limit of that range, and cover up to 2° in galactic latitude, from b = -1.0° to +1.0°, each conjoining up to 48 half-degree OTF maps. While coverage of |b| < 0.5° is essentially complete, the wider 0.5° < |b| < 1.0° strips have only ~25% coverage per sector on average (more at lower longitudes, less at higher longitudes).

(2014) - We have received high grades for both ATNF and NAOJ time this season, and are now busy with a large amount of Mopra observing. This should allow us to make substantial progress towards completing Phase II as described above.

2014 Oct 31 - Observing concluded for 2014, with approximately 65% of Phase II coverage completed. This was a little disappointing, partly due to the time we were awarded being not optimally allocated, and also to getting more than our fair share of poor weather. We will need to return in 2015. Meanwhile, we plan to make DR4 available by early 2015.

(2015) - We again received high grades for the project in 2015. Since this is the last year of the 3-yr contract with NAOJ and other institutions to fund Mopra operations, and since Mopra's future beyond this year is very uncertain, we will be making a strong push to finish Phase II in the time we have been awarded.

2015 May 1 - Unfortunately, DR4 will be delayed, probably until late 2015/early 2016, due to the need to commit our limited staffing to the current observing activities.

2015 Oct 15 - After some desperate last-minute scrounging for extra time to remedy the last few weather stripes, we believe we have succeeded and beaten the deadline of the end-of-public-funding for Mopra. We are working hard to produce the next release, DR4, as soon as possible.

2016 Feb 29 - DR4 cubes are now available in the 13CO line for the entire 60°x2° (combined Phase I and II) area of ThrUMMS (marked by **s).

(2017) - DR5 cubes (i.e., all data in all 4 lines at a DR4 level of processing) were available for about a year on NAOJ servers, but ultimately these were lost due to resource constraints.

(2018-2020) - Work on replacing the lost DR5 cubes is being performed intermittently during this period. Since ThrUMMS has been unfunded to date, there have been no personnel dedicated exclusively to this work. Despite this, about 60% of the to-be-DR6 was completed.

2022 Dec - After a long hiatus, work on the remaining 40% of DR6 resumes, and will replace all earlier versions of 12CO, 13CO, and C18O data.

2023 Jul - The bulk of the radiative transfer analysis of the calibrated data for the 3 iso-CO lines is now complete. Downstream analysis of these results continues.

2024 Jan - Kinematic analysis of the (l,b,V) data cubes begins for DR6. Paper III in prep.

2024 Dec - Kinematic analysis of data cubes mostly done. Focus on completing Paper III.