The Burke-Gaffney Observatory
Dr. George Mitchell (professor)
Dr. David Turner (professor, on sabbatical 04/05)
Dr. Gary Welch (professor)
The Institute for Computational Astrophysics
Dr. David Clarke (professor)
Dr. Robert Deupree (professor, Director ICA)
Dr. David Guenther (professor, on sabbatical 05/06)
Dr. Joseph Hahn (associate professor)
Dr. Ian Short (assistant professor)
Subatomic Physics Group
Dr. Roby Austin (assistant professor)
* one of the lowest major/faculty ratios at SMU
* all 11 faculty funded by federal research agencies
* hosts one of four ACEnet nodes in Atlantic Canada
* Department includes U/G majors, M.Sc. students, Ph.D. students, and PDFs
* only Ph.D. science programme in Nova Scotia outside Dalhousie
* students with QPA 3.5 or better typically get multiple offers for graduate school and/or jobs
Dr. Malcolm Butler (professor, Department chair)
Dr. Adam Sarty (associate professor)