Mars Global Surveyor Model Images

Here is a model view of the martian limb from an altitude of 400 km. This image was produced using the scattering properties in the Pathfinder page table for a wavelength of 673 nm:

This 3-D model includes surface albedo features and a cloud layer in the upper levels of the atmosphere.

Currently, we are adding thermal emission to the code in order to model data from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer on the Mars Global Surveyor. The following figures show simple models of emission from the surface at three different viewing angles with respect to the sun.




 0 degrees (sun is behind you)

45 degrees (sun is 45 degrees to the right)

90 degrees (sun is to directly the right)

The temperature of the planet is assumed to follow a cosine law (of the solar angle) for this model, but can be arbitrarily defined in the code. We are putting in the atmospheric emission currently.

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